BANE is able to output compressed background and rms images using the --compress option. If you have a compressed file and want to expand it to have the same number of pixels as your original image then you need to use SR6.

If you have an image that you, for some reason, want to compress using a super-lossy algorithm known as decimation, then SR6 is what you want.

Usage is:

usage: SR6 [-h] [-o OutputFile] [-f factor] [-x] [-m MaskFile] [--debug] [--version] [--cite] [infile]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit

Shrinking and expanding files:
  infile         input filename
  -o OutputFile  output filename
  -f factor      reduction factor. Default is 4x psf.
  -x             Operation is expand instead of compress.
  -m MaskFile    File to use for masking pixels.

Other options:
  --debug        Debug output
  --version      show program's version number and exit

In order to be able to expand a file, the file needs to have some special keywords in the fits header. These are inserted automatically by BANE, but you could probably fidget them for yourself if you had the need.

You should be able to shrink any file that you choose.