If you want to get residual maps, or model maps, from Aegean then this tool is what you are looking for.

AeRes will take an image, and Aegean catalog, and write a new image with all the sources removed. You can also ask for an image that has just the sources in it.

You can use AeRes as shown below:

usage: AeRes [-h] [-c CATALOG] [-f FITSFILE] [-r RFILE] [-m MFILE] [--add] [--mask] [--sigma SIGMA] [--frac FRAC]
             [--racol RA_COL] [--deccol DEC_COL] [--peakcol PEAK_COL] [--acol A_COL] [--bcol B_COL] [--pacol PA_COL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

I/O arguments:
  -c CATALOG, --catalog CATALOG
                        Catalog in a format that Aegean understands. RA/DEC should be in degrees, a/b/pa should be in
  -f FITSFILE, --fitsimage FITSFILE
                        Input fits file.
  -r RFILE, --residual RFILE
                        Output residual fits file.
  -m MFILE, --model MFILE
                        Output model file [optional].

Config options:
  --add                 Add components instead of subtracting them.
  --mask                Instead of subtracting sources, just mask them
  --sigma SIGMA         If masking, pixels above this SNR are masked(requires input catalogue to list rms)
  --frac FRAC           If masking, pixels above frac*peak_flux are masked for each source

Catalogue options:
  --racol RA_COL        RA column name
  --deccol DEC_COL      Dec column name
  --peakcol PEAK_COL    Peak flux column name
  --acol A_COL          Major axis column name
  --bcol B_COL          Minor axis column name
  --pacol PA_COL        Position angle column name

Extra options:
  --debug               Debug mode.

The acceptable formats for the catalogue file are anything that Aegean can write. Use --tformats to see the formats that Aegean can support on your machine. Usually the best idea is to just edit a table that Aegean has created.